This is us
Offenheit, Transparenz und Engagement sind uns wichtig und keine Worthülse
„The Independents“ (Die Unabhängigen) is a new list running in the 2022 works councils election for the first time. New but not unexperienced. Members on this list have been part of the works councils for quite a few years.
Your support will enable us to discuss important issues such as work environment and conditions on equal terms with labour relations and human resources.
Our vision is to be part of a works council where all opinions and ideas count, we don’t believe that a committee should be run like this: the chairperson dictates the decisions and expects everyone to nod acceptance – democratic discussions or any other views are undesirable! Diversity cannot be attained if you follow one person´s ideas.
We can only be successful as a team. You as voter are also part of the team “The Independents”. We would like to receive feedback from you, via various channels.
You have some ideas or suggestions on what the bank should be like in the future?
Send us an email and we’ll get in touch with you.
Why The Independents
will get professional and genuinely independent advice and help
will be the focal point of what we do
will enable more transparency and prevent wheelings and dealings
will support a larger variety of ideas that will lead to more value for all colleagues
will establish more clarity within the works council
We don`t follow the credo "that´s how it has always been done". Yesterdays solutiuons are not adequate for tomorrow´s world. The same applies to old-fashioned employee representatives - how can they be of any help concering tomorrow´s questions?
What we do differently
Your interests will be represented consistently and factually
We can be tenacious when it comes to difficult issues, despite a strong headwind
We encourage and support opinion making processes within the works council
We are free of ideology, employee-oriented, independent, and nonpartisan
We are there to help you, regardless of your origin, orientation and mind-set
We are at your side, whether you are a member of a union or not