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On the Way to
to change something
together with you.

The new works council.

Image by Edgar

This is us

The Independents is a list running in the 2022 works councils election for the first time. New but not unexperienced. Members on this list have been part of the works councils for quite a few years.  In 2026, we now want to actively tackle change with your vote and a majority.

Openness  Transparency Commitment 
diverse Opinions new Ideas

Competent Independent Integer

You at the centre Clarity 

Objective orientation against cheating

Die Unabhängigen_Wortbildmarke@3x.png

Oliver Götzinger

Group Audit Business Management

Susanne Modrow

Human Ressources

Havva Sanli

freigestellte Betriebsrätin

Christian Glatz

Group Finance

Our Topics & Targets for your future

Each location has its own characteristics which have to be taken into consideration when negotiating new agreements and regulations. However, we consider it a bonus to be able to collaborate with other committees in various locations, thereby being able to achieve better results for the workforce. That is why we would endorse, when and wherever it makes sense, cooperation with other lists and locations on mutual topics. Especially when taking into consideration that colleagues in some central functions in Frankfurt are located in the same building, but are from different business areas. Here, cross-functional cooperation would be beneficial for all concerned.


Different & Dedicated






Loyal (to you)






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